
As the recognized and influential organization, we play a crucial role in promoting the development of the automotive component industry. Our mission includes:

  1. Enhancing the image and reputation of the association, as well as the automotive and automotive component industry, both domestically and internationally.
  2. Playing a key role in fostering the development of the automotive and automotive component industry, including supporting industry networks such as research centers, testing facilities, educational institutions, infrastructure, and skilled workforce. This aims to enhance competitiveness and sustainable value-added growth of the industry, making it a solid global automotive and component hub.
  3. Collaborating in policy formulation and strategic planning with government agencies and relevant stakeholders to address industry challenges and overcome obstacles.
  4. Serving as a central platform for coordination, information exchange, and communication among various Stakeholders, both domestically and internationally.
  5. Facilitating collaboration and active participation of our members within the association to drive the association’s mission forward.